Open source projects I've contributed to.

I've contributed to multiple open source projects over the years but these are some of the ones that I'm proud of.

  • Next.JS

    The React Framework for the Web

  • T3 Turbo

    The best way to start full-stack, typesafe Next.js & React Native apps.


    Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.

  • Mantine

    UI library that you deserve.

  • Expo

    Expo is a free and open-source platform for making universal native apps with React that run on Android, iOS, and the web.

  • Laravel

    Laravel is a web ecosystem full of delightful tools that are supercharged for developer happiness and productivity.

  • Pusher

    Pusher makes communication and collaboration APIs that power apps all over the world supported by easy to integrate SDKs for web, mobile, and backend.

  • TanStack

    Open source software for building better UI and UX.

  • Vue JS

    The Progressive JavaScript Framework.

  • React JS

    The Progressive JavaScript Framework.